Monday, 22 July 2013

19-07-2013 Friday - Rockwater back to Vancouver & Family Dinner

After a good night's sleep (Dawn's first proper sleep since leaving home - John's sinus infection meant more snoring and hardly any sleep for Dawn!) we awoke to another beautiful morning at Rockwater.  We packed, checked out and drove back to the ferry for the 40 minute ferry trip back to Vancouver.

David drove us so we didn't have to worry about getting lost and we then followed him after he had to pick up his car from being repaired.  Caught up on some laundry then updated this blog so you could all see the wedding photos -after a couple of failed attempts the night before and during the ferry trip (due to technical difficulties).

That evening we were introduced to Louise's extended family at a bbq dinner. Her oldest sister is Gloria who has four girls - Dawn, Kim, Denise, Karen and her husband is Richard (Rick).  The next sister is Ishbel who has two girls - Cathy & Kristen and her husband is Kevin.

In this photo front left Denise, Gloria, Ishbel & Rachel, in the background Rick, Karen & Louise. 

Here are the cooks for the evening - Kevin & Andrew, with Steven supervising and dog Chico just hoping for any possible scraps.

Here are more of the girls with (from the left) Dawn, Ishbel, Kristen, Kim, Cathy, Karen, Gloria and Denise.

Here we have Rick with Simon (an old school friend of Lindsay's and his girlfriend Bethan in the middle.

The Dawn you all know with newlywed son Andrew and with the other Dawn in the background.

Louise & David with Rachel and newlywed Lindsay.

The newlyweds.

Pennies have just been discontinued in Canada but Aunty Ishbel gave all the girls their own collection of pennies so they could keep up with some of their Oma's (grandmother's) traditions.

We were all standing around the kitchen listening as she explained the background story.  Here you see the three sisters together with Lindsay's sisters Carmen and Rachel next to mum Louise.

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